Trans International Group was invited by the Blockchain Commission For Sustainable Development to participate in the inaugural Blockchain For Impact Global Summit at the United Nations on June 4, 2018. There Mr. Ban Tran, Ms. Aurora Aquino and other guests of Trans International will be contributing their insights and sharing their inputs in a collaborative effort to support the Blockchain For Impact initiative.
Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development was established at the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2017 to develop a multi-sectoral framework to support the UN system— along with Member States, Intergovernmental Organizations, the private sector and civil society—in utilizing blockchain-based technologies to develop local, national and global solutions for the most pressing issues of our day.
The Commission envisions the development of radically creative decentralized solutions to issues including; conservation of natural resources, protection of the commons, economic growth, empowerment of all communities, financial inclusion and security, public health and welfare, civic trust and protection of the integrity of democratic systems—among others—for the benefit of our common humanity.
The Commission suggests that the transformative power of blockchain technology should not be seen as a threat to existing systems of governance; rather, it should be seen as an opportunity for national and international institutions to defend the rights of those they represent, and to accelerate our collective progress towards meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
The Commission is proud to launch Blockchain for Impact (BFI), a collaborative convening, advocacy and action platform designed to serve the growing community of conscious leadership reflecting the full breadth of the global blockchain ecosystem as it seeks to engage with leaders from the UN system.
Members of Blockchain for Impact (BFI) are invited to participate in an exciting series of impact-oriented events and task forces throughout the year. Through the Commission, Blockchain for Impact members will engage with the United Nations system on industry governance, regulatory standards and social impact projects, working closely with the UN Departments, Funds, Programs and Specialized Agencies, to apply blockchain technology to sustainable development and humanitarian challenges.
June 4th marks our inaugural convening at an all-day event at the United Nations. Please join us and leading executives from all sectors in shaping the narrative, mission and mandate of the first Blockchain for Impact Subcommittees addressing the following topics:
Supply Chain Transparency & Traceability
Global Health & Emergency Response
Digital Identity
Earth Systems
Refugee Rescue, Shelter & Resettlement
Financial Inclusion
Education, Advocacy & Engagement
Security & Public Safety
Biodiversity & Wildlife Conservation
Slavery & Human Trafficking
Regenerative Agriculture
Resilience in Democratic Systems
Additionally, you’ll engage with BFI Working Groups representing the following key emphases across all subcommittee activities:
Child Welfare
Capacity Building & Growth to Scale
Smart Cities
Blockchain, AI & Data Sovereignty
Global Youth Engagement & Volunteer Management
Social & Environmental Impact Metrics, Monitoring & Evaluation
Diversity in Blockchain
Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Countries & Small Island Developing States