(Left to right): 1. Dr. Ibrahim Engin Civan - Managing Director of US-Asia Links, 2. Mr. Sam Chan - SVP of US-Asia Links (Advisor), 5. Ryan Ban Tran - CEO of Trans International, 6. Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi - Chairman of Future Trends International (Advisor), 7. Ms. Aurora Aquino - Member of United Nations NGO/ECOSOC (Advisor)

National Council on U.S. - Arab Relations Conference at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington D.C.
On October 18-19, Ryan Ban Tran and three of his Advisory Board Member, Ms. Aurora Aquino, Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi and Mr. Sam Chan attended the National Council on U.S. - Arab Relations Conference at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington D.C. The purpose was to explore potential collaboration with the event organizer, Dr. Duke Anthony and his partners, to see if we can form a U.S. - Arab - China Relations Conference. The feedback was positive and we look forward to collaborating in the future.

Ryan Ban Tran and his Advisory Board Members, Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi and Ms. Aurora Aquino.

Founder & CEO of National Council on U.S.
Founder & CEO of National Council on U.S. - Arab Relations, Dr. Duke Anthony, moderating one of the panel.

Trans International's Advisory Board Members
Trans International's Advisory Board Members, Ms. Aurora Aquino and Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi with His Royal Highness, Prince Turki Al Faisal and Her Royal Highness, Princess Lamia Bin Al Saud, of Saudi Arabia
South Korean Mission to the United Nations On October 12, Ryan Ban Tran and Aurora Aquino attended a party thrown by the South Korean Mission to the United Nations, in honor of Mr. Ban Ki Moon. Guests include Ambassadors and Diplomats, representing countries from all over the world. Ryan Ban Tran also briefly spoke with Mr. Ban Ki Moon regarding the upcoming SDG conference Trans International is planning to host with the United Nations and several Royal Families.

Mr. Ban Ki Moon giving his speech to the audience attending his honorary party.

(Left to right): 1. Ryan Ban Tran, CEO of Trans International, 2. Mr. Henry Keenho Kim, Chairman of ISEA Foundation, 3. H.E. Mr. Choong-Hee Han, South Korean Deputy Ambassador to UN 4. Aurora Aquino, Advisory Board Member of Trans International

Ryan Ban Tran with former United Nation's Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki Moon
September-29-2017 – Meeting With Head Ambassador of ECOWAS Ryan Ban Tran and Aurora Aquino of Trans International were invited by Head Ambassador of ECOWAS (Economic Cooperation Of West African States), H.E. Koné Tonau, to discuss about the priority projects of ECOWAS. The list include the development of:
4,000+ km highway coorridor connecting Dakar - Abidjan - Lagos
2,000+ km West Africa railway ring connecting Niamey - Kaya, Niamey - Cotonou and Ouangolodougou - Bamako
Establishment of a regional shipping line company
The electrical interconnection networks of 330 kV (Nigeria - Niger Benin - Burkina) and 225 kV (Ghana - Burkina Faso - Mali - Guinea)
Construction of solar power and wind farm plants
Development of sustainable rice production and the Regional Agricultural Investment Plan
Construction of 6 specialized referral hospitals, a regional center disease control of ECOWAS and establishment of a regional rapid response team of ECOWAS

Ryan Ban Tran, Aurora Aquino and H.E. Head Ambassador of ECOWAS, Koné Tanou, met at the Grand Hyatt in NYC.
September-25-2017 – Vietnam-US Trade & Investment Relations Trans International was invited by the Vietnamese government to participate in the Vietnam-US Trade & Investment Workshop, representing the United States. Mr. Ryan Ban Tran (CEO of Trans International) spoke on behalf of the group and eight American companies to discuss with the Vietnamese delegation about potential trade collaboration between US and Vietnam. Key people in the Vietnamese delegation include: Mr. Minh Chien Hoang (Deputy Director General of Ministry of Industry and Trade), Mr. Anh Tu Hua (Director of Industry and Trade Department of the City of Danang), Ms. Oanh Kim Tran (Director of Vietrrade, VN), Mr. Dung An (Director of Vietrade, NY) and the rest of the CEOs and Senior Managements of the Vietnamese private sector delegation.

Mr. Ryan Ban Tran representing the US and eight American companies to discuss potential trade promotion with the Vietnamese delegation

September-22-2017 – Meeting With H.E. Mrs. Toyin Ojora Saraki Mr. Ryan Ban Tran, CEO of Trans International, and Ms. Aurora Aquino, briefly met with H.E. Mrs. Toyin Ojora Saraki, President of Wellbeing Foundation Africa (wife of President of Nigerian Senate), Ms. Stephanie Linus, a cultural icon in Nigeria, and Mr. Chris Lee, Managing Director of Miniso (Chinese retailer, which is currently investing and sourcing in Nigeria), to discuss potential investments and social impact opportunities in Nigeria.

(Left) With H.E. Mrs. Toyin Ojora Saraki, (right) With Ms. Stephanie Linus and Mr. Chris Lee