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United Nations: Digital Technology in Sustainable Smart Agriculture

On July 09, The Trans International team was invited to speak at the United Nations headquarter as part of a panel for the conference on "Round Table Discussion On Digital Technology In Sustainable Smart Agriculture," hosted by H.E. Ambassador Kone Tanou of ECOWAS and organized by Ms. Aurora Aquino.

Water desalination plat for potable fresh water and agriculture

Mr. Alexander Riggs-Miller (2nd from left), spoke about Navigium technology for small-scale water desalination plant for potable fresh water and agriculture.

QSorb and nano gel

Mr. Timothy Dupler (3rd from left), spoke about QSorb, a nano gel which can encapsulate the roots of plants, preventing water evaporation and enhancing water absorption to save cost on water and increase crop production by 50%.

Waste to energy technology

Mr. Ryan Ban Tran (2nd from left) spoke about a waste to energy technology that can address the backend of sustainable agriculture by turning any kind of waste, including agricultural waste, into either electricity, steam or hot water.

AD Nano and the smart farming technique

Mr. Leo Lu (1st on the right) speaking about AD Nano and the smart farming technique, which combines Nano IoT with Nano Enzyme which stimulates the Kreb Cycle through enhancing microbial engagement.

Producers Market leveraging blockchain

Mr. Keith Agoada (1st on right), spoke about how Producers Market is leveraging blockchain to provide supply chain authentication for crop provenance, facilitating global crops distribution for local farmers.

Technology for Sustainable Smart Agriculture

The speaker panel on Technology for Sustainable Smart Agriculture, from left to right: (Alex

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